Sunday, April 26, 2009


Summary: Synesthesia refers to a special sort of sensory experience that combines a specific sensation with something else. It occurs in many distinct forms, such as sound-to-color- which sounds are both heard and seen and given attributes like color, texture, shape, location, or movement., another form is smell-to-sound which is when an odorant are experiences as both smells and sounds like pitch and loudness. Synesthesia is has two parts to it, the concurrent is the sensation that is synthetically trigger, such as color, and the inducer is that which induces the concurrent, such as a letter of the alphabet. Experiences fall into two categories, such as synthetic perception and synthetic conception. Synthetic perception is triggered by sensory inducers and synthetic conception is triggered by concepts. There are three origins of Synesthesia: developmental, acquired, and drug-induced. Developmental runs in the family, acquired is shown to be cause by strokes or brain tumors, and drug-induced is experienced by taking a certain type of drug that gives you synesthesia- like characteristics.

Connection: This article is very informational and will definitely help me with my research project. It explains more of understanding what the disorder is and what the difference is between the three origins of synesthesia. It shows differences between synthetic perception and conception in synesthesia.

Gorssenbacher, Dr.. "What Is Synesthesia?." Naropa. 2008. Naropa University. 6 Apr 2009

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